
Make a Difference

Private philanthropy has a rich and dramatic impact on our students, faculty, and communities. Tax-deductible donations support five key areas:

Student Scholarships

In CAHS, 63.38% Graduate students and 74.94% of Undergraduate students received some kind of financial aid support.

Your scholarship gifts enhance access, academic quality, outcomes, and diversity of ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds among students. Investing in our students today will transform our collective tomorrow, impacting lives of many for decades to come.

You can view the entire list of CAHS scholarship funds and support our students through a gift to one of these existing scholarships. 

You can choose to establish a endowed or annual scholarship to pay tribute to a loved one, preserve a family name, or highlight a company presence. 


Your gifts establish a strong, competitive foundation for faculty and student research and scholarship.

All disciplines in the College of Allied Health Sciences seek to make a difference in the lives patients through innovative clinical research projects.

Community Programs

Your program gifts support CAHS community programs which provide students opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge with diverse and learn from a wide array of cultures and social backgrounds.

Equipment & Technology

Your gifts provide students and faculty access to cutting edge technology and critical equipment to expand innovative education and research opportunities in our new world class Health Sciences building.

Endowed Chairs & Professorships

Your gifts allow CAHS to maintain a strong, competitive foundation for faculty research. As part of a top 20 public research university, CAHS faculty members routinely create and share knowledge with our partners. Their work transforms the allied health professions.

Headshot of Katie Arce

Katie Arce

Assistant Director of Development, Academic Health Center Colleges
