President Pinto shares search update for executive vice...
March 25, 2025
President Neville Pinto shares search update for executive vice president for academic affairs and provost
The UC College of Allied Health Sciences unleashes education through rigorous academic curricula, community service and experience based learning. Our unique collection of professional programs provides a wealth of opportunity to pursue a passion for healing. From the very first year, our students are immersed in real world and interdisciplinary experiences, providing an unparalleled advantage in the marketplace.
{{(programs | collegeFilter:colleges | degreesFilter:degrees | interestAreasFilter:interestAreas | locationsFilter:locations | searchString:keyword).length}} Programs Found
Every program within CAHS embeds clinical practicum components at 300 affiliates including Cincinnati Children’s, TriHeath, VA and UC Health.
CAHS students are grounded in community, through international service learning experiences in Cancun, Africa, Costa Rica and elsewhere.
The $61 million dollar building gives students a state-of-the-art lab and classroom spaces.
Throughout my time at UC, I have felt constant support and dedication from the faculty and staff. The College of Allied Health Sciences has undoubtedly helped prepare me to reach both my academic and professional goals.
Nicole Senkiw MA in Speech-Language Pathology student
March 25, 2025
President Neville Pinto shares search update for executive vice president for academic affairs and provost
March 21, 2025
Funded by a 2024 grant award from the Department of Justice/Office of Violence Against Women, CECH's School of Criminal Justice and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the College of Allied Health Sciences have embarked on an ambitious research project titled "Language Access Barriers to Justice Among Victims of Violence Against Women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.” The project provides students across the whole academic lifespan, from undergraduate to doctoral studies, with opportunities to participate in functions of the research and gain hands-on experience with their field of study.
March 7, 2025
Message from President Pinto to UC Community: Moving forward together