Mid-Collegiate Touchpoint Conference

CAHS students in the atrium

All you need to know about one of the College of Allied Health's signature events, the Mid-Collegiate Touch Point conference.

The Mid-Collegiate Touch Point conference is designed for students entering into the professional curriculum portion of their undergraduate education. Depending on their major, students may be in their sophomore, junior or senior year in the College of Allied Health Sciences.

The college uses this "integrated core learning structure" so that our students graduate with all of the skills they need to be successful in the healthcare environment.

What is the Mid-Collegiate Touchpoint Conference?

During the session, students will meet virtually in interdisciplinary groups to review and discuss a case study with an Interprofessional education facilitator. Students will learn about a patient case that hits close to home.

Using videos, students will hear from Alison and Tim Delgado, who experienced a devastating accident in October of 2010. Stretching from the initial accident to long-term recovery, you will watch as their allied health caregivers work together as a team to create a care plan.

You will see a variety of professionals as they discuss the case, including a social worker, Alison's nutritionist, physical therapist, speech pathologist, and the Medical Director of Transfusion Services.

Following the five video vignettes, students will complete activities in small interdisciplinary groups.

Time & Date 

The Mid-Collegiate Touchpoint Conference will be held on Oct 11 – Oct 15. Students will have the opportunity to pick their day/time as the date gets closer. 


The sessions will be hosted virtually. 

Why do we hold the Mid-Collegiate Touchpoint Conference?

According to Gideon Labiner, Associate Professor-Educator of medical laboratory sciences, the conference teaches them how to work in interdisciplinary teams. "During the discussions after each video, students find themselves in interdisciplinary conversations, explaining their profession and its role to their peers' and learning about other allied health professions. The Delgados' story draws them into the conversation," he says.

"The whole dynamic of her recovery team supplied the right amount of knowledge and encouragement for Alison to heal from her trauma"

CAHS Student

Conference Objectives

At the end of this conference, the participant will:

  1. Appreciate the influence interprofessional values and related ethics have in crafting a professional identity.
  2. Understand how professional roles and responsibilities complement each other in patient‐centered care.
  3. Recognize that communication is a core competency needed for effective interprofessional collaboration and patient‐care practice.
  4. Realize that learning to be interprofessional means learning to be a good team player.

What should I wear?

In consideration of this professional conference, we recommend wearing business casual attire.

Registration Information

Students will enroll in HLTH 3100 Mid-Collegiate Interprofessional Touch Point through Catalyst. The course is zero credits and will therefore not affect your credit load. Late registration may be subject to a $25 late registration fee.

Please remember, this is a mandatory requirement for graduation. Contact your academic advisor if you need assistance with registration.

Materials to Bring

Please come with an open mind and willingness to participate. You won't be sorry!