Clinic Policies & Procedures
The University of Cincinnati Speech and Language Clinic offers clinical services to children and adults with a variety of communication disorders. The clinic serves as a training center for speech-language pathology and audiology students who are under the direct supervision of licensed and certified faculty, including speech language pathologists and audiologists. With your permission, diagnostic and therapy sessions may be observed by students and other university personnel for educational purposes. The types of program offerings in this clinic may reflect clinical and/or research efforts and may yield variable scheduling and/or financial responsibilities.
- To cancel an appointment, please call the clinic office as soon as possible at 513-558-8503.
- The supervising therapist and/or student clinician may also give you his/her contact information. Voice messages are acceptable.
- If an appointment is missed without notification, you will be charged the regular fee for the missed session.
- We understand that circumstances can cause late arrivals. If you are ten minutes late, we will make a courtesy call to see if you are on your way. If that is the case, we will start the session when you arrive, but the session will end at the regular time.
- If more than three sessions are missed during the semester, we may need to give that slot to the next patient on the waiting list. You will be informed of such a decision via phone call.
- In the event that a therapy session is canceled by the clinic, attempts will be made to schedule a make-up session. Clinic days/hours of operation follow the University calendar schedule.
- In the event the University of Cincinnati is closed due to weather, the Speech and Hearing Clinic is also closed.
Parking is available in spaces directly outside of the Health Sciences Building. A temporary parking pass will be provided for your windshield at the beginning of the session and collected at the conclusion. Tickets from nearby parking garages cannot be validated. Please see the Directions and Parking tab for additional information.
Payment and billing information
Payment: payment is expected at the time of service. Currently, the clinic accepts cash, check, and credit cards, including credit cards tied to health savings accounts.
At this time, the UC Speech and Hearing Clinic does not bill private health insurance. We will provide you with a receipt that contains the information necessary for you to submit to your health insurance company. We do not submit directly to health insurance companies.
If your account is more than 90 days past due we may suspend services until the account is current.
Speech & Hearing Clinic
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Health Sciences Building Suite 325
Phone: 513-558-8503 | Fax: (513) 558-8988