Coalition Achievements

Jen Radt and Nan Franks headshot

On Left: CE Day Chair, Jennifer M. Radt, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs & Services On Right: Presenter Nan Franks, M.A., LPC, LICDC

Feb 21, 2025 Problem Gambling CE Day held at UC Clermont, 4200 Clermont College Drive, Batavia, OH 45103 - 50 participants

Presenter Nan Franks, M.A., LPC, LICDC, the former CEO of the Alcoholism Council of the Cincinnati Area, NCADD. She has worked in the behavioral health field since 1973. Her work in the last 30 years has focused on addictive illness and it’s effect on individuals, families and community.

Topics Presented: Financial implications of gambling (1.5 ceu) and Problem Gambling Treatment Ethics (1.5 ceus)

Jeff Rhein headshot and Kristen Beall headshot

On Left: Jeff Rhein, MRC, PCC-s, LICDC-CS On Right: Kristen Beall, LCSW-C, ICGC-I, CAC-AD,

Dec 6, 2024 Coalition CEU Day
Hosted by Mental Health Recovery serving Warren and Clinton Counties, Warren C. Young Center, 801 Drake Rd, Lebanon, OH 45036

Over 50 participants earned 3 ceus in problem gambling prevention and treatment by In-person and ZOOM.

TOPIC: So you want to learn Motivational Interviewing for ProblemGambling, 1.5 ceus,
Presenter: Jeff Rhein, MRC, PCC-s, LICDC-CS, Deputy Director – Outpatient, Substance Use Disorder, Crisis & Criminal Justice Services,
Mental Health Recovery serving Warren and Clinton Counties.

TOPIC: The Intersection of Gambling and Domestic Violence: Empowering Survivors, 1.5 ceus, Presenter: Kristen Beall, LCSW-C, ICGC-I, CAC-AD, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling.

Exhibit agencies:
Brighter Days Wellness and Recovery, LLC.
Butler Behavioral Health 
Center for Addiction Treatment
Hamilton County Suicide Prevention Coalition
Mayo Home
Mental Health America of NKY and SWOH
Safe on Main
Talbert House
Council on Child Abuse (COCA)
University of Cincinnati School of Social Work

Thank you to event Chair Jeff Rhein! 

coalition members at sawyer park and voice of america operating booths for the problem gambling coalition

Sunday, October 20, 2024 Out of the Darkness Walk, Sawyer Park
Enthusiastic volunteers from Coalition Outreach Committee served in various roles, including walking in the event and assisting at Coalition booth. Their participation was invaluable in making this event a success and in helping to spread awareness about this important cause.

miami university logo and envision partnerships logo

Friday, Sept 27, 2024 CE Day and Coalition Meeting
Hosted by Miami University Regionals Voice of America Learning Center, 7847 VOA Park Dr. West Chester, OH 45069

Co-sponsors Miami University, University of Cincinnati School of Social Work, Envision Partnerships

The Rise of Online Gaming and Sports Betting: How it is Affecting Youth and Young Adults and What Communities Can Do to Raise Awareness, 1.5 ceus, Presenter: Alison Wood, MSW, MPA, Level Up Promotion and Prevention, LLC

By the Numbers, the Story of Sports Betting in Ohio, 1.5 ceus, Presenters: Milan Karna, OCPC, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services; Cory Brown, OCPC, ICPS, Ohio Casino Control Commission; Micheal Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Problem Gambling Network of Ohio

Thank you to CEU Chair Kristina Latta-Landefeld, MS, OCPS,  Envision Partnerships, 

Michael buzzelli headshot, nan franks headshot, claire spada headshor, nathaniel johnson headshot, janina moman headshot

L to R: Nan Franks, Michael Buzzelli, Claire Spada, Janina Moman, Nathaniel Johnson

June 28 2024 Coalition CEU Day  
Over 100 attendees earned 4.5 ceus in problem gambling prevention and treatment by ZOOM  

Problem Gambling and Suicide Lethality, 1.5 ceus, Presenter: Michael A. Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Associate Director PGNO

Financial Awareness and Gambling, 1.5 ceus, Presenter:  Nan Franks, M.A., LPC, LICDC, is former CEO of the Alcoholism Council of the Cincinnati Area, NCADD.

Integrating problem gambling prevention with substance misuse, prevention, 1.5, Presenter: Claire Spada, OCPC, ICPS, Workforce Development Manager, Problem Gambling Network of Ohio.

Thank you to event Chair Nathaniel Johnson and Vice Chair for Communications Janina Moman.

CADCA logo

May 2024
In May 2024, Coalition becomes a member of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADAC).
CADCA represents over 7,000 community coalitions that involve individuals from key sectors including schools, law enforcement, youth, parents, healthcare, media, tribal communities and others. CADCA has members in every U.S. state and territory and more than 30 countries around the world. The CADCA coalition model emphasizes the power of community coalitions to prevent substance misuse through collaborative community efforts. Prevention of substance use and misuse before it starts is the most effective and cost-efficient way to reduce substance use and its associated costs.  

Closing the gap table

L to R Marla Givens and Nancy Eyman staffing table, Marla coordinated staffing at Coalition tabling

Closing the Health Gap, April 29 2024
Coalition tabling at 2024 Closing the Health Gap, 20th Annual Health Expo, Washington Park Cincinnati – nearly 10,000 people attended the Expo.

Problem gambling summit table

L to R Tammy Sanderson and Marla Givens. Marla coordinated staffing of the Coalition tabling Nathaniel Johnson staffing information table.

Invest in Neighborhood Summit, April 20 2024
Coalition tabling at 2024 Invest in Neighborhood Summit with over 300 participants from throughout Cincinnati’s 52 neighborhoods. 

Abdullah Mahmood and Rachel Johnson

March 29 Coalition Conducts CEU DAY 
Building Gambling Treatment Sustainability in Your Agency, 1.5 ceus
- Presenter: Rachel Johnson, MS, LPCC-S
- Vice President of Clinical Services, Center for     Addiction Treatment
- 2022-2023 Ohio Problem Gambling Fellow
Gambling Screening and Assessment, 1.5 ceus
- Presenter: Abdullah Mahmood, LSW, LCDCIII-GAM, OCPSA, Program Coordinator, Maryhaven 

SW Gambling Coalition Table and Hard Rock Conference

L to R Casey Flowers, Compliance Specialist, Hardrock Casino Cinti, Tammy Sanderson and Monica Faison. Tammy Sanderson coordinated staffing of the Coalition tabling.

Coalition Tabling at Hardrock Casino Cincinnati, March 2024
March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month held to increase public awareness of problem gambling and promote prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

Elisa Kibbey, Casey Flowers, and Gabrielle Bradley at Hard Rock

L to R Elisa Kibbey, UC BSW DL student, Casey Flowers, Compliance Specialist, Hardrock Casino Cinti, Gabrielle Bradley, UC BSW DL student.

February 2024, Hardrock Cincinnati Casino sponsorship of two students to attend Problem Gambling Conference.  

Financial Fair at Princeton HS

February 2024, Princeton HS Financial Fitness Fair
Thank you to Mr. Jim O'Connor, M.Ed., Princeton High School Teacher for inviting the Problem Gambling Coalition to exhibit at Princeton High School's first Financial Fitness Fair. The Coalition was represented by (photo L to R) Prevention Outreach Committee Chair, Cindy Chizewick and Vice Chair for Communications, Madison Noble.


February 2024, Problem Gambling Coalition SW OH was approved as member of Statewide Prevention Coalition Association (SPCA) SPCA strengthens Ohio’s prevention coalitions, professionals, and community champions with resources, technical assistance, training, networking opportunities, tool kits and advocacy supports. SPCA is a network comprised of more than 60 community coalitions dedicated to preventing substance misuse and promoting mental health wellness.

Jan 26 CEU Day

Thank you to • Kristina Latta-Landefeld, MS, OCPS • Butler County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Serv. Board • The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Jan. 26, 2023 Coalition Hosted by Envision Partnerships, Butler County 
Sixty-one prevention and treatment professionals earned 1.5 hours in problem gambling continuing education. Michael A. Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Associate Director PGNO presented an overview of the gambling landscape in Ohio, including what has been learned from the 2022 Ohio Gambling Survey and information gained in the last year since Sports Betting became legal.

Exhibiting organizations included:

  • Butler County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Serv. Board
  • Miami University Gaming and Gambling Institute
  • Ohio Casino Control Commission
  • Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 
  • Prevention Action Alliance
  • Problem Gambling Network of Ohio
Hard Rock Casino Logo

Dec. 19, 2023, Robert Wamsley, Director of Compliance for Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati; Tammy Sanderson, Coalition Outreach Committee Vice Chair for Gaming. Tammy will lead the Outreach Subcommittee that will staff an information table at Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati in 2024.

Thank you to Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati for sponsoring the conference registration of two UC students to attend the February 2024 Problem Gambling Conference, Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center, Columbus, Ohio - Elisa Kibbey (Columbus, Ohio) is a UC BSW-DL student graduating in December 2024. She recently applied as an Ohio Prevention Registered Applicant and is renewing her Ohio Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant credential. Gabrielle Bradley (Columbus, Ohio) is a UC BSW-DL graduating in August 2024. Gabrielle is an Ohio Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and recently applied for Ohio Prevention Registered Applicant.

warren county logo and MHB

Congratulations to the Mental Health Recovery Board serving Warren & Clinton Counties for hosting the December 18, 2023 problem gambling information sessions for prevention and treatment agencies. Session participants represented prevention,                                                                             outpatient and residential treatment agencies.
Photo above left to right: Presenter, Scott Anderson, Problem Gambling Specialist, OhioMHAS, Office of Prevention and Wellness; Jeff Rhein, Deputy Director, Substance Use Disorders, Crisis, Criminal, Warren & Clinton Cty, Mental Health Rec Board; Cindy Chizewick, Problem Gambling Coalition, Outreach Committee Chair

Ohio coaching and mentoring logo

October 2024 - June 2025, Ohio Coalition Grant, 1 of 12 in Ohio
Ohio Coalition Grant, Monica Coffey-Faison, Jennifer Radt and Gregory Stewart are investigators for a 2023-2024 grant to strengthen the Problem Gambling Coalition capacity and structure. Learning community activities that are focused on 1. Developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for enhancing the infrastructure and sustainability of Coalition; 2. Collaborating with peers to enhance community coalition efforts; and 3. Participating in professional development and leadership skill-building opportunities. Learning will be supported through a series of professional development opportunities, monthly coaching support meetings, and the practical application of skills learned to enhance overall coalition’s efforts.

problem gammbling network of ohio logo

November 2023 - June 2024 Problem Gambling Consultation Grant focused on Co-Occurring Disorders 
Advocating for Students with CDCA Credential Lisa Zimmer and Gregory Stewart are investigators to advocate for students who have earned the CDCA or LCDC II. The 2023-2024 mini grant has two objectives: Advocate for Social work students to maintain chemical dependency credentials and to understand co-occurring disorders; Advocate for Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Coalition members to earn the Ohio Gambling Endorsement.       

Gregory Stewart and Christopher Smitherman

Dr Stewart and Casino Control Commission Christopher Smitherman (Commissioner Smitherman is former Vice Mayor of the City of Cincinnati)

Oct 18, 2023 Ohio Casino Control Commission
Dr. Gregory Stewart, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, School of Social Work and Vice Chair, Communications, Problem Gambling Coalition of SW OH presented to the Commission on the work of the UC School of Social Work and founding of the Problem Gambling Coalition SW OH

The Ohio Casino Control Commission logo

Sept 25, 2023 Gamban
The Coalition hosted a zoom meeting with Cory Brown, Manager of Problem Gambling Services at Ohio Casino Control Commission and Susan Diamond, Responsible Gambling Program Coordinator at Ohio Lottery Commission to present:

Time Out Ohio -
Gamban -

Objective: Share information with individuals and groups who can utilize it in helping to protect Ohioans and others experiencing problems related to gambling

Fifteen Coalition members participated from a variety organizations including: Center for Addiction Treatment; Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health, Clermont County; Sojourner, Community Health Alliance ; The Crosslands Center; UC Clermont College; UC School of Social Work; UC Student Wellness Center, Clifton; UC Main Counseling & Psychological Services; UMADOAP Cincinnati

Group photo from September Event

Left to right: Robert Wamsley, Director of Compliance, Hardrock Casino Cincinnati; Casey Flower, Compliance Specialist, Hardrock Casino Cincinnati; Michael A. Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Associate Director, Problem Gambling Network; Rachel Johnson, MS, LPCC-S, Vice President of Clinical Services, Center for Addiction Treatment, 2022-2023 Problem Gambling Fellow; Dr. Gregory Stewart, MSW, MS, Associate Professor, CAHS, School of Social Work; Cindy Chizewick, LICSW-S, LICDC, LICSW, Brighter Days Wellness and Recovery, LLC.

Sept 15, 2023 Problem Gambling Treatment CEU Training Great Success
Sixty social work and counseling prevention and treatment professionals earned 4.5 hours in problem gambling treatment continuing education.

A sampling of organizations represented included Best Point, Brighter Days Wellness and Recovery LLC, Center for Addiction Treatment, Cincinnati UMADOAP, Cincinnati VA Medical Center, Envision Partnerships, Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services (GCBHS), Mercy Health, Mount St Joseph University, Pinpoint Behavioral Health Solutions, Pressley Ridge, Problem Gambling Network of Ohio, Resurge Recovery, Talbert House, The Crossroads Center, TriHealth Cincinnati, UC Clermont College, UC School of Social Work and geographic representation from Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren Counties.

Thank you to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for funding this continuing education series. In addition, thank you to the UC College of Allied Health Services and School of Social Work for hosting the event.