Hearing & Speech-Language Screening Program

Elementary school learners answering questions of teacher or sharing opinions at seminar


The University of Cincinnati Speech-Language & Hearing Clinic offers speech, language and hearing screenings for preschool programs and health fairs.


Graduate students in both audiology and speech-language pathology perform the screenings under the supervision of a licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist. These screenings can be scheduled with an on-site community supervisor for free or can be supervised by the UC Clinical Faculty for a nominal fee. Students can bring equipment (e.g. audiometers, screening tools) as needed.


Please call the Clinic to schedule your screening. 


The UC Speech & Hearing Clinic.


Cost to be discussed during scheduling. 

For appointments or questions, please contact:

Headshot of Speech & Hearing Clinic

Speech & Hearing Clinic

Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Health Sciences Building Suite 325

Phone: 513-558-8503 | Fax: (513) 558-8988