Coalition Events
Thank You!
The Coalition continuing education series is funded by the Ohio Casino Control Commission in partnership with Problem Gambling Network of Ohio.
Upcoming Problem Gambling Coalition Events
April 11, 2025 Problem Gambling CE Day
Location: Center for Addiction Treatment, 830 & 834 Ezzard Charles Drive 45214
On Left: Rachel Johnson, PhD, MS, LPCC-S, Chair, Problem Gambling Coalition On Right: Presenter Holly Stoddard, MSSA, LISW, LICDC, Addiction Studies & Human and Social Services Program Chair/Instructor
8:00am: Check-in opens, coffee and refreshments, networking, employment openings, exhibit tables
Exhibit Tables:
- Brighter Days Wellness and Recovery, LLC
- Center for Addiction Treatment
- Cincinnati State Technical and Community College – Recovery Community and Harm reduction
- University of Cincinnati School of Social Work
- Other exhibitors to be determined
8:50am: WELCOME - Rachel Johnson, PhD, MS, LPCC-S, Chair, Problem Gambling Coalition
9:00-10:30am: TOPIC - Intersection of Mental Health and Gambling Disorder (1.5 ceu) Presenter: Rachel Johnson, PhD, MS, LPCC-S
Learning Objectives:
- Increase awareness of common mental health disorders co-occurring with gambling disorder.
- Increase awareness of symptoms and presentation of co-occurring disorders.
- Increases awareness and use of appropriate clinical interventions to reduce risk associated with co-occurring disorders.
10:30-10:45am: BREAK - refreshments and visit exhibit tables
10:45-12:15pm: TOPIC - Harm Reduction (1.5 ceus)
Presenter Holly Stoddard, MSSA, LISW, LICDC, Addiction Studies & Human and Social Services Program Chair/Instructor
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the principles of harm reduction psychotherapy: Participants will be able to define harm reduction psychotherapy, explain its key principles, and identify how this approach differs from traditional abstinence-based models of treatment in treating substance and behavioral use disorders, including Problem gambling, and Gambling Use Disorder.
- Recognize the application of harm reduction strategies to Problem Gambling and Gambling Use Disorder: Participants will learn how harm reduction techniques can be applied in psychotherapy for individuals with Problem Gambling and Gambling Use Disorder and how these strategies can lead to incremental changes to improve clients' overall well-being.
- Integrate harm reduction best practices into treatment plans for Problem gambling and Gambling Use Disorder: Participants will gain insight into the best practices from the harm reduction lens for treating Gambling Use Disorder, including how harm reduction can be combined with different treatment models like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or motivational interviewing (MI) to tailor interventions that meet individuals where they are.
12:15-1:30pm: LUNCH - in Breakout Rooms by Committee (zoom and in-person) –
- Community Outreach
- Strategic Planning 2025 & 2026 CE Days -
1:30pm: ADJOURN – all committee meetings adjourn, networking, take materials back to your agency/school
June 6, 2025, Problem Gambling CE Day
Location: UC College of Allied Health Sciences, 3225 Eden Ave., 45267
Parking: Eden Garage, 3183 Eden Ave – free parking pass will be provided
Co-Sponsors: Hamilton County Suicide Prevention Coalition
On Left: LaToya Logan MSSA LISW-S ABD, Founder/CEO, Project LIFT Services On Right: Scott Anderson, LCDC II
8:00am: Check-in opens, coffee and refreshments, networking, employment openings, exhibit tables
Exhibit tables:
- Brighter Days Wellness and Recovery, LLC.
- Center for Addiction Treatment
- Cincinnati State Technical and Community College – Recovery Community and Harm reduction
- University of Cincinnati School of Social Work - Hamilton County Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Other exhibitors to be determined
8:50am: WELCOME - Rachel Johnson, PhD, MS, LPCC-S, Chair, Problem Gambling Coalition and
Gregory Stewart, PhD, MSW, MS, Vice Chair for Communications, Problem Gambling Coalition
9:00-10:30am: TOPIC - Empowering Hope: A Comprehensive Training for Suicide Prevention in the Black Community (1.5) ceu, Presenter: LaToya Logan MSSA LISW-S ABD, Founder/CEO, Project LIFT Services
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will gain insights into how systemic racism and cultural stigma surrounding mental health create barriers to seeking help for Black individuals.
- Participants will explore the specific risk factors and racial disparities that contribute to higher suicide rates among Black individuals. Participants will be able to identify the key indicators for early intervention and provide tools to identify individuals at risk.
- Participants will learn how to enhance access to mental health resources and support services utilizing, ensuring a holistic culturally inclusive approach to suicide prevention in the Black community.
10:30-10:45am: BREAK - refreshments and visit exhibit tables
10:45-12:15pm: TOPIC - Problem Gambling in The Workplace, 1.5 ceus, Presenter: Scott Anderson, LCDC II
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be familiar with the diagnostic criteria for Gambling Disorder.
- Participants will be familiar with higher risk in selected populations and warning signs.
- Participants will be familiar with evidence based treatment modalities.
12:15- 1:30pm: LUNCH - in Breakout Rooms by Committee (zoom and in-person) –
- Community Outreach
- Strategic Planning 2025 & 2026 CE Days -
1:30pm: Adjourn – all committee meetings adjourn, networking, take materials back to your agency/school
Please register by June 2nd to attend in-person.
July 16th-18th, 2025 National Problem Gambling Conference
Columbus, Ohio - registration information available soon!
September 2025, Problem Gambling CE Day
Location: Mental Health Recovery Board serving Warren and Clinton County - 212 Cook Road, Lebanon.
CE Day Chair, Jeff Rhein, MRC, PCC-s, LICDC-CS