
Join a Coalition Committee 

You are invited to join one of the Coalition committees to plan a future CEU day or problem gambling prevention or treatment education, contact committee chair to receive more information: 


College Prevention Committee

Gregory Stewart headshot

College Prevention Committee Chair: Gregory Stewart

Chair: Gregory Stewart, UC BSW DL Field Coordinator
Vice Chair for Communications: TBD
UC Clermont College Liaison: Jennifer M. Radt, LSW, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs & Services, Chief Diversity Officer,
UC Blue Ash College Liaison: Judy Singleton, PhD, MSW, LISW-S, Assoc Professor, Social Work,
UC Main Campus Liaison: Carly Griffith, CHES, OCPS, Associate Director, Student Wellness Center,
UC East Campus Liaison: Monica Faison,
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Liaison: Holly Stoddard, MSSA, LISW, LICDC, Addiction Studies & Human and Social Services Instructor,

UC Blue Ash College Intern: Mariam Soumare
UC Clermont College Intern: Nicole Tharp
UC East Campus Intern: McKenna Warren
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Intern: TBD

Members of Committee include:
Michael Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Director of Problem Gambling Services, PGNO, Ohio Casino Control Commission,
Cindy Chizewick, LISW-S, LICDC, GAMBp Brighter Day Wellness LLC,
Amanda Constantino,  MSW LSW LCDCIII, Outpatient Team Lead, Chemical Addiction Treatment Center,
Michanne Davis, LISW-S, UC Main Counseling & Psy Ser,
Michelle Gabbard, CDCA, CHW, RA,
Kristina Latta-Landefeld, MS, OCPS, Chief Operating Officer, Envision Partnerships,
Jesse Moyer, Senior Vice President of Member Development and Support, Phi Delta Theta 
Kelsey Smothers, Director, Coalition for a Drug Free Clermont County,

Spring 2025 Objectives:

  • Problem Gambling Awareness Month is in March, populations for outreach:
    • UC Blue Ash College
    • UC Clermont College
    • UC Online
    • UC East Campus
    • UC West Campus including residence halls
    • Cincinnati State Technical and Community College 
  • Use social media to promote problem gambling prevention
  • Research peer institutions with focus on sports betting and its implications.

You are invited to join the Coalition College Committee!
Meeting dates for 2025:
Jan 7, 2-3pm
Feb 4, 2-3pm
March 4, 2-3pm
April 1, 2-3pm
May 6, 2-3pm

Coalition Outreach Committee

Cindy Chizewick headshot

Coalition Outreach Committee Chair: Cindy Chizewick

Chair: Cindy Chizewick, LISW-S,LICDC, GAMBp
Co-Chair: Jeff Rhein, MRC, PCC-s, LICDC-CS,
Vice Chair Communications: Jessica Deese, CDCA, RA
Vice Chair Agency Liaison: Jordan McLane,
Vice Chair Community Events: Terry Gay,
Assistant to Terry, Alicia Arnold
Vice Chair Casino Gaming Outreach: Tammy Sanderson,
Vice Chair Belterra Park Gaming Outreach: Kelsey Smothers
Vice Chair Miami Valley: Jeff Rhein, MRC, PCC-s, LICDC-CS,

Members of Committee include:
Jen Bierer, PreventionFIRST!,
Sheila Blankenship, RA, CDCA pending (Clark County),
Aleah Bostick, Pressley Ridge,
Michael Buzzelli, MA, MPH, OCPS, Assoc. Dir., PGNO,
Amanda Constantino,  MSW LSW LCDCIII, Outpatient Team Lead, Chemical Addiction Treatment Center ,
Monica Coffey-Faison, LSW, School of SW Prog. Coor., MSW, RA,
Nancy Eyman, RA,
Casey Flowers, Compliance Specialist, Hardrock Casino Cinti,
Nicole Fredrick, Director of Access and Outreach at Center for Addiction Treatment (CAT)
Noreen Loftus Spilman,
MaryAnn OMallory, LPCC-S, LICDS-CS, Chief Clinical Officer, Resurge Recovery,
Eric Skalski, Director of Compliance, Hardrock Casino Cinti,
Gregory Stewart, UC BSW DL Field Coordinator,

You are invited to join the Coalition Outreach Committee!
Meeting dates, first Friday of the month:
Jan 10, 10-11:30 am 
Feb 7, 10-11:30 am 
March 14, 10-11:30 am 
April 4, 10-11:30 am 
May 2, 10-11:30 am 
June 6, 10-11:30 am 
July 11, 10-11:30 am 
Aug 1, 10-11:30 am 
Sept 5, 10:00-11:30 am 
Oct 3, 10:00-11:30 am 
Nov 7, 10:00-11:30 am 
Dec 5, 10:00-11:30 am

Contact Jessica Deese to receive ZOOM Link.

Butler County Prevention and Treatment Committee

Kristina Latta-Landefeld headshot

Butler County Prevention and Treatment Committee Chair: Kristina Latta-Landefeld

You are invited to join the new Butler County Committee to plan a future CEU day and conduct problem gambling prevention and treatment in Butler County. 
Chair: Kristina Latta-Landefeld, MS, OCPS,
Vice Chair: Madison Noble,
Committee members include:
Deborah K. Hater, BAPAC, LCDC III, GAMB, Preble Co. Court Liaison, Recovery & Recovery Wellness Center for Midwest Ohio serving Darke, Miami and Preble counties,
Mearl Hodges,
Gregory Stewart, UC BSW DL Field Coordinator,

Contact Madison Noble to join Committee

Coalition Communications Committee

Gregory Stewart headshot

Coalition Communications Committee Chair: Gregory Stewart

Chair: Gregory Stewart
Webmaster: Carrie Raterman
Vice Chair for Social Media: TBD
Coalition Liaison, Coshocton County (Coshocton): Katrina Richcreek,
Coalition Liaison, Franklin County (Columbus): Gabrielle Bradley,
Coalition Liaison, Franklin County (Columbus): Elisa Kibbey,
Coalition Liaison, Washington County (Marietta): Megan Gilliam,
2024-2025 Southwest Ohio Intern to be determined

Strategic Planning Committee

Monica Coffey Faison headshot

Chair: Monica Coffey Faison,

Members of Committee include:
Tennille Ali -
Gwenivere Brown -
Rachel Johnson -
Gregory Stewart, UC BSW DL Field Coordinator,

December 2024 PGC Strategic Planning Committee Report
The committee needs a co-chair and more committee members and invites more members to join the committee.



Committee Goals

Goal 1: Strengthen Organizational Infrastructure

  • Objective 1.1: Identify and recruit diverse and committed members with expertise in governance, finance, non-profit status, and community engagement by the end of the 2025. 
  • Objective 1.2: Review bylaws for compliance with state and federal nonprofit regulations within six months. 
  • Objective 1.3: Secure nonprofit incorporation status in Ohio as a prerequisite for filing for 501(c)(3) recognition within nine months.

Goal 2: Achieve 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status

  • Objective 2.1: Engage a legal or nonprofit consultant to assist with completing the IRS Form 1023 application within 6 months. 
  • Objective 2.2: Develop and approve a detailed business plan, including financial projections, to submit with the 501(c)(3) application. 
  • Objective 2.3: Conduct an organizational readiness assessment to ensure compliance with the requirements for tax-exempt status, including mission clarity and financial transparency, by the second quarter.

Goal 3: Strengthen Financial Sustainability

  • Objective 3.1: Identify and secure at least two initial funding sources (e.g., grants, sponsorships, or donations) to support the coalition's activities and operational costs within the next 18 months. 
  • Objective 3.2: Establish a financial management system, including a budget and tracking mechanism, to meet nonprofit accounting standards within six months. 

You are invited to join the Strategic Planning Committee!
Meeting dates, second Friday of the month:
Jan 10, 10-11 am 
Feb 14, 10-11 am 
March 14, 10-11 am 
April,  To be determined 
May 9, 10-11 am 

You are invited to join the Coalition Strategic Planning Committee, for more details contact

The Coalition's Experience in the 2023-2024 Foundation for Coalition Development Cohort