Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Events

Spring workshop series: Empower Your Voice: Navigating Self-Advocacy & Difficult Conversations

This workshop was carefully designed with all students in mind and will be offered both in person and the last two sessions will also be offered virtually for those who cannot come to campus. Lunch and supplies will be offered to all students who register for the in-person workshop(s).

The series will be in partnership with CAPS, Ombuds Office, and the Equity, Inclusion, & Community Impact Offices. Like the title suggests, the series is centered around helping students navigate difficult conversation topics that might arise during their college and/or grad school experience. Students don't have to attend all three; however, there are benefits to doing them in order as it will all be tied together to a common purpose.

The purpose of each workshop is to help students develop the tools to confidently advocate for themselves and navigate difficult conversations whether with peers, faculty, staff, clinical supervisors, patients, or in careers - all the tools needed for greater success in college and your future careers. 

Values Vision Board (pt 1 of the series) 

Presenter: Keysha Alston (CAPS) 
Date: Tuesday, January 28th from 11am-12:30pm
Location: HSB G10 

Through collage, students will reflect on conversations they've had in the past to identify the values they bring forth and the values that they expect from the other participants during these discussions. These values are guided by Brene Brown's "Dare to Lead" values list. With this insight, students will learn how to approach these conversations with confidence by leaning into their values, as well as being mindful of how the values of other participants can impact their perception of the conversation topic. As a result, students will use this insight as a tool for maintaining a solutions-oriented discussion that engages the perspectives of all participants involved.

Effective Self-Advocacy (pt 2 of the series)

Presenter: Jivanto Van Hemert (Ombuds)
Thursday, February 13th from 12-1pm
Location: HSB G10 or virtual

Difficult conversations are a common, integral component of an education environment, but can be frustrating when you're finding it impossible to get your message across. One common experience of conflict is feeling unheard. This workshop will provide participants an opportunity to explore and practice self-advocacy tools to support their desired outcomes in these interactions. During the session, participants will learn how to clarify their message and develop a plan to convey that message to others.

Informed Discussions (pt 3 of the series)

Presenter: Joya Dillard (Equity, Inclusion, & Community Impact)
Date: Tuesday, February 25th from 11am-12:30pm
Location: HSB G10 or virtual

This interactive workshop helps participants to identify, articulate, and manage their feelings and behaviors when encountering difference (people, personalities, or circumstances). Participants will learn strategies to maintain and control their emotions while calmly addressing the needs of others.