Program Outcomes

The nuclear medicine technology curriculum and the magnetic resonance imaging curriculum are accredited by separate accrediting agencies. It is common for accrediting agencies to require programs to publish their graduation outcomes as a means of informing potential students and other stakeholders of a program's accomplishments.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Outcomes

The number of graduates employed may differ from the number of program graduates due to the JRCERT definition of "not actively seeking employment."  

The JRCERT has defined “not actively seeking employment” as:

  1. Graduate fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts OR
  2. Graduate is unwilling to seek employment that requires relocation, OR
  3. Graduate is unwilling to accept employment due to salary or hours, OR
  4. Graduate is on active military duty, OR
  5. Graduate is continuing education. 

Nuclear Medicine Technology Outcomes

Graduate achievement data is an indicator of program effectiveness, demonstrating the extent to which a program achieves its goals.  The current report on graduate achievement data, identified by program, is available on the JRCNMT website by clicking on the following link: Graduate Achievement Report

The above graduation outcomes represents the nuclear medicine technology curriculum. However, it does not reflect that nearly all of the nuclear medicine technology students begin the magnetic resonance imaging curriculum upon completion of their nuclear medicine studies and consequently, do NOT enter the workforce. These students are usually not seeking employment at this stage due to the time commitments of the magnetic resonance imaging curriculum.

Nuclear Medicine Program Effectiveness Data 2016-2020 (PDF)