Junior Early Assurance Pathway

An Early Assurance Pathway into UC's Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program for juniors

High achieving health sciences students in the UC College of Allied Health Sciences are eligible to apply for early admission into the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program during their junior year via the Junior Early Assurance Pathway (JEAP). Students should be junior level standing in the Health Sciences program at UC and must have been a UC student (regardless of major or campus) as an entering first-year student. 

The major advantage of the Junior Early Assurance Pathway is that the successful applicant has a position in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program held for them. Other advantages to early admission are 1) early and direct communication with the doctor of physical therapy faculty, and 2) the opportunity to enjoy their senior year without the pressure of applying to multiple graduate schools.

Deadline: April 1st

Application Requirements

Admission in the Junior Early Assurance Pathway is based on the following:


March 15th - Submit the Junior Early Assurance Pathway Recommender Form.  Your                                        recommender has until April 7th to complete their evaluation/letter. 

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are receiving an error message (only one submission allowed), please access the link through another web browser (i.e. Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc).  Reach out to physicaltherapy@uc.edu if you continue to have issues.

April 1 -         DPT Junior Early Assurance Pathway Application Due

  • Core Science Prerequisites  
    • Anatomy & physiology (one year sequence)
    • Biology with lab (one year sequence)
    • General chemistry with lab (one year sequence)
    • General physics with lab (one year sequence)
  • Non-science Prerequisites
    • Introduction to psychology 
    • Statistics
    • Exercise physiology with lab (HLSC 3032C)
    • Medical terminology

Applicants can have no more than two unfulfilled prerequisites courses at the time of application.  In addition, there can only be one unfulfilled course from each category shown above (core science and non-science).  Students will have until May of their senior year to complete any remaining coursework. If you are considering a grade replacement, the course needs to be completed prior to May 1st. 

  • Cumulative GPA = 3.5 or above
  • Science course GPA  =  3.5 or above

You will be required to complete two essay questions within the application.

  1. Every person has a story that has led them to a career. Since there are a variety of health professions that “help” others, please go beyond your initial interaction or experience with physical therapy, and share the deeper story that has confirmed your decision to specifically pursue physical therapy as your career.
  2. Please share why you made the choice to apply to the UC DPT program, factors that influenced your decision to apply, and interaction you have had with faculty/staff/students/alumni.

Your letter of recommendation should be from a physical therapist that you have done your observation hours with or somone that can attest to your desire to become a PT

Please use the Junior Early Assurance Pathway Recommender Form below to indicate your recommender.  An email will be sent to each of your recommender with details on how to complete their online recommendation.  Reminder:  this form needs to be completed by March 15th to give your recommender time to complete prior to the deadline. 

Observation hours for the JEAP application process are not required, though the hours must be completed by October 1st in the final undergraduate year when you are completing the PTCAS application.
Below is information to help guide you through the observation requirements due for the PTCAS application. 
  • 16 hours are required to be completed in an inpatient care setting. Completing hours in an acute care setting is not required but highly encouraged. Acute care is defined as: "physical therapy is provided to individuals that are admitted to a hospital for short term patient care for reasons such as illness, surgery, accident, or recovery from a trauma. The goal in this setting is to discharge the person as soon as they are medically stable and have a safe place to go".  Acceptable sites: acute care, skilled nursing, assisted living and home health.
  • The remaining 24 hours can be completed in any other physical therapy practice setting.
  • The observation hours must occur in a clinical physical therapy setting. NO research observation hours will be considered in the required 40 hours. However, any research hours may serve to enrich your overall physical therapy experience.

Professional behavior and attire is expected of all applicants during their observation hours. The department and Physical Therapy program faculty and staff will not provide suggestions on facilities. To obtain volunteer experience, students can contact a physical therapy facility in their geographical area by mail, in person or by phone and inquire about opportunities for paid or volunteer work experience.

Applicants are reminded that a recommendation from someone in a supervisory role in the physical therapy clinic setting must also be submitted.

  • They previously volunteered or worked (in the physical therapy department or rehabilitation area).
  • They have a relative working in the physical therapy department or rehabilitation area.
  • They have already secured a post-graduation position.
  • They or a relative have ownership.
  • They know a person or persons with whom they have previously volunteered or worked will supervise them.

JEAP applicants who has submitted their Recommender Form by the March 15th deadline, will receive an invitation via email to complete the Kira Assessment tool.  The completion time is approximately 30-45 minutes which includes a series of questions requiring both written responses and verbal, video submissions.  The assessment will be due by the April 1st deadline.

A curriculum vitae is the academic version of a resume. In your curriculum vitae you should provide details on the following items:

  • extracurricular activities
  • work experience
  • volunteer work
  • honors and awards