Why study Health Sciences?

The University of Cincinnati’s online Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree is the perfect next step if you currently have an associate degree and are looking for a way to complete your bachelor’s degree and advance your career or prepare for a graduate professional program. 

Use this degree to apply to programs in physical therapy, medicine, dentistry, exercise science, occupational therapy, public health, health administration, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner and medical dietetics.

It’s important to note that some graduate and professional programs may require additional or alternate coursework as pre-requisites in addition to minimum grade requirements. Our faculty advisors can help you navigate this. We also recommend you consult your intended graduate program for additional information.

Admission Requirements

Visit Admission Requirements for additional details about prerequisites to the Health Sciences program.

Advance your allied health associate degree through this bachelor’s completion program and gain an edge on competition within the health care field.

The major career benefit of this program is that there are many job opportunities that you will now qualify for. Using this to your advantage now or in the future if you should ever wish to shift careers sets you up for success in the long run. Whether it’s a position in health administration, hospital management or research and beyond, your options are wide-reaching. In fact, many jobs you could apply for with this degree make the list of 100 Best Jobs in 2020, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.
The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

Cincinnati Online
3225 Eden Avenue
Health Sciences Building
Cincinnati , OH 45267
(513) 556-4909

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Program Code: 35BAC-HLSC-BSHS