MLS Clinical Year and MLS Certificate Program Application - Essential Functions and Basic Questions

These tips will help ensure your reference form submits without errors:

  • Every Q/field needs to have an entry - missing fields (boxes) are the number one reason for the form to not submit and give an error.
  • The fields most often overlooked are:
    • Your Title
    • Your email
    • Your phone number. The form will accept different formats (513)556-1111 vs 5135561111 vs 513-556-1111.  
    • The pledge at the very bottom needs to have your name entered.
    • Then you have to type in the CAPTCHA code. Capitalization matters here.  
  • All of the rankings need to be completed. If you cannot answer to that particular area, just check Not Applicable.
  • After clicking SUBMIT, a seemingly blank page will load. Scroll to the top and look for a message that your form was successfully submitted OR not, with an error message. 
    • If you need to resubmit, make sure when you try again that you are starting with a “fresh” cleared out form. Ideally, open a new tab or browser.
    • Depending on your computer’s/browser’s settings, you may need to clear your cache to clear the error before resubmitting the form. Directions for different browsers here:

Please read thoroughly the Application Instructions before completing this form